Sunday, January 14, 2007

A New Year for Preemies

Do you have a newborn preemie? Are you scared? They're so tiny, so fragile, so helpless, but there are lots of easy and very helpful things that you can do! It's a new year and a new era for preemies. Research in music therapy, music medicine and music healing continues to demonstrate that what baby hears in utero has a crucial effect on later bonding with mother and other family members. It is so important to keep a health sonic environment for baby and not let her be bombarded with loud rock music, fighting, screaming, yelling or other unpleasant, chaotic sounds. Instead, singing to your unborn child can create a permanent bond of love, safety and security. Research has shown that preemies who had been sung to in utero and who continued to be sung to, gained weight faster and left the hospital faster.

Even if your preemie was not sung to in utero, it's not too late to start now. Yor voice is most familiar and will be comforting and encouraging. Give it a try. Let me know if I can help!

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