Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I have a particular commitment to helping pregnant women and new mothers be as educated and positive as possible. Becoming a mother can be pretty scary, especially if it's a surprise or an unexpected pregnancy. Very young women are especially at risk not to bond well with their infants because they just don't have the maturity or information (sometime, not always!). I believe that understanding the benefits and importance of music to the developing infant can be very empowering for the mother and I offer this article I came across earlier today at a site called "Make Way for Baby!"

Music to stimulate your baby

Once babies develop hearing in the fifth month, music is excellent for aural stimulation and to soothe the baby. As many studies have proved, fetus react to the music, if it is presented in an organized way. Immediately after birth, a baby distinguishes the mother's voice and show preferences for sounds heard while it was still in the womb. Music heard while in the womb seams to give babies -after born- a feeling of confidence and relaxation.However, mothers can give their babies the emotional benefits of music even before hearing develops at five months. Mothers who set aside time to relax daily by listening to music also help their babies feel calmer and happier. Pregnant women and babies share hormones, so there is a close connection between the emotional well-being of the mother and that of the child she carries. Additionally music played during childbirth can relieve expectant mothers' anxiety, help release endorphins and reduce the need for anesthesia.

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