Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Breastfeeding and Lullabies ♪♫♪♫

Nursing your baby is one of the best things you can do to get her off to a healthy start in life. Research and common wisdom tells us that Mommy's milk is meant to feed a newborn baby and no baby is ever going to be allergic to Mommy's mild. It almost seems like a miracle to me that the whole process works so beautifully---usually!

Sometimes new mothers or mothers who have had difficult pregnancies get tense and anxious and have trouble getting their mile to "let down." This happened to me after my first child was born: my breasts were full of milk and my baby was crying but the milk would not "let down" into my breasts so that my daughter could satisfy her hunger!

So how do lullabies play a part? Women have been softly singing, humming and crooning to the infants since the beginning of time. The benefits of mother singing to her baby, rather than playing a CD or radio, is that THIS is the same voice that baby has been hearing for the past nine months and is the voice that makes baby feel safe and secure. When baby calms down, mommy calms down and before you know it, the milk is flowing. Is this immediate and instantaneous? Of course not. It's a process and can take days depending on how anxious the mother is.

My recommendation is that mother listen to my lullaby CD during pregnancy so that the melodies come easily to her when she sits down to nurse baby! You can order the CD or you can download these classic lullabies that have been passed down from generation to generation! Do let me know how it goes!!

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