Saturday, September 05, 2009

What can the unborn baby hear?

Of all the questions I get, this is probably one of the top five. We know for sure that by the beginning of the second trimester, the growing infant's ear is functional. In the beginning baby mainly hears the sounds of mother's heartbeat and digestive sounds. But with each passing day, baby begins to hear outside sounds of talking, music, loud traffic and most anything else.

For that reason, it is very important to keep Mom's sonic environment peaceful and quiet. Even unborn babies can be traumatized by lots of loud noises, screaming, shouting, loud rock music, etc. Be good to yourself and your baby during this precious time of life for both of you. If you feel like working, that's fine, but just keep any loud noises or extreme agitation to a minimum!

As always, please let me know your questions!

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