Thursday, January 07, 2010

Lullabies for Mothers and Others

Pregnant women are concerned about lots of thing; some they can do something about and some they can't.  Often, the more psychologically aware women are worried about bonding with their baby, especially if it's their first child.  One of easiest and most enjoyable things you can do is to begin listening to some lullabies yourself.  Mothers have lulled their babies to sleep since the beginning to time.  It's the most natural thing in the world for a mother to hold her baby close and hum, croon, or sing to that precious child.

New mothers worry if they'll be able to soothe and comfort their infants when they begin to cry.  Knowing 5 or 6 different lullabies is a good way to feel a little more prepared and even reading the words can be very calming for the mother-to-be or new mother. 

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of lullabies from around the world and from ancient times until the present.  Many of my adult clients and patients who suffer from insomnia and they listen to lullabies themselves to get to sleep each night.  Sometimes they listen to music on a CD player or perhaps an MP3 player.  Whatever is most convenient and comfortable for mother and child is best.

Once the baby is born, singing to your child is the very best way to calm him or her.  If your baby heard these same lullabies in utero they will calm down even quicker because they sound familiar to baby and bring back memories of security, warmth and comfort.

Below is a quaint poem called “My Mother”. It was written by Ann Taylor (1783 –1866). She’s the sister of Jane Taylor, the author of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Ann and Jane published books of rhymes and poems together.

The illustrations below were done by Walter Crane. Here’s what Crane wrote about it in 1910:

“My Mother” is mid-Victorian-just after crinolines had gone out-but mothers are always in fashion, bless them…

My Mother

Who fed me from her gentle breast,

And hush’d me in her arms to rest,

And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?

My Mother.

When sleep forsook my open eye,

Who was it sung sweet hushaby,

And rock’d me that I should not cry?

My Mother.

Who sat and watched my infant head,

When sleeping in my cradle bed,

And tears of sweet affection shed?

My Mother.
If you are pregnant now, or the mother of a newborn, do begin listening to and singing lullabies!  Your child will thank you and will benefit greatly!

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